Thursday, October 16, 2014

Holy crap...

Cannot believe the last time I posted something was in June!  Good thing I'm not like a real blogger or I'd be broke and unpopular.  I guess it's a sign that I am either having too much fun, totally stressed out or am just bored with this whole malarky.  Mmmm, might be a combo.
I suppose life just gets in the way and as the great Ferris once said ' if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you might miss it'.
So this is what life has been giving us the last while….

Tilly moved to a new dagis - and this is not a picture of it.  This is the idealic one she left.  It was the oldest in the neighbourhood and will be torn down :(  Now she goes to a hyper modern, no grass or trees, sanitary one, which does not deserve any kind of picture.  Its in the opposite direction from where we live, the subway, the park, the pond and the grocery store.  So as you can imagine I am thrilled.  OMG I'm a Swede - I just moaned about the almost free schooling I get for my kid - SORRY!!!!  She loves it and that's the most important thing, so just ignore me…..

We had a visitor from down under - The Lion King.  My cousin Max came to stay for a week which was amaze balls.  Tilly loves him, he loves her, so everyone wins.

Husby turned a year older and Tilly baked him our standard cupcakes-in-a-box surprise!  We love him.

Work has been non-stop and a little dramatic!   Most days are filled with all kinds of emotions by the all-women-team since our MALE manager left, but we are getting there slowly…. Noone likes change right!

We enjoyed the last of the Indian summer before it turned into this…..

Autumn has arrived and the morning 'discussions' have started regarding clothes and getting out of the house on time.  Each year I think, it has to get better since she is getting older, but there is always a new 'issue' to deal with.  But mostly it's better.  Although did I say I hate the weather here, yes yes I think I've mentioned that!

Since the weather isn't always good, we have spent more time in the library and Matilda is making some interesting book choices.  Translates to How babies are made and The love book.  Notice how they don't soften anything in Sweden. These are children's books folks.  The translation is that 'men have a willy which sticks out.  Women have a bunch of hair with a hole which goes inside.  Its good if people have the desire to make babies together'.  Yeah well Tilly never heard any of that.

Dancing started again and the lady loves it.  Looking forward to the big Christmas show.

So lets pray that our little family continue having fun for the rest of this speedy year and cherish all the lovely people who add flavour to our lives.  

This post is for you, who are not here with us day to day but always in our hearts.  Big love x

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