Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 is the magic number...

OMG the last few weeks have been mental!  Between the constant bank holidays for May and June, (which in Sweden also means a half day the day before the bank holiday), the overload at work before the summer, planning our move in less than a month, a vacation in Greece in between that, and the new developments and mood swings of our little lady, I think I might be closer to to loosing it than ever before.

At the start of 3 I thought it was amazing
- she could talk properly, tell me what she ate at dagis, dress herself, tell me she loved me, always said 'okay' when you said 'we can't eat ice-cream everyday ok, Tilly.  But 6 months down the line she learnt a lot of stuff.  I guess it is part of the process but it aint so much fun when we say 'we can't eat ice-cream every day ok, Tilly' and she sticks her tongue out and tells me she will throw me out the window.

Where did my little angel go?  And where did my patience and understanding go?  It's something both me and husby need to work on ASAP or else one of us is gonna drink way much more than is healthy!

One day she loves rice the next day its her worst food. My Little Pony is like so over, and Barbie is all that.  She has to have a princess dress on when certain songs come on, even if they are near then end.  And then its a Diana Ross diva moment when it finishes.  Toothpaste sucks and only pink socks will do.  Hello wine....

But after I have finally switched off the light and she is tucked up in her cosy bed (where I couldn't wait for her to be), less than an hour later I wish she was awake and we could cuddle and laugh and do all the crazy stuff we do.  Like when she brushes my hair and dresses me up in special outfits.  When we lie in the big bed and tickle and laugh until we cant breathe.  Or when she reads me stories in her swinglish little voice.

Motherhood sure is way tougher and more challenging than any job I've done before.  But the rewards are greater than any pay cheque I've received too.  Good or bad, hard or enjoyable, I wouldn't change it for the world.
But praise the lord for wine.....


  1. Oh yeah, lets hear it for the grape, i HEAR YA!! ah, they're great the little people, my little man is going through a '4 going on 14' phase which is tiring at times! I find pretending someone is watching is a good way not to loose the rag!! ha!

  2. Always listen to your advise Auds xxx
