Wednesday, June 12, 2013

3 is the magic number...

OMG the last few weeks have been mental!  Between the constant bank holidays for May and June, (which in Sweden also means a half day the day before the bank holiday), the overload at work before the summer, planning our move in less than a month, a vacation in Greece in between that, and the new developments and mood swings of our little lady, I think I might be closer to to loosing it than ever before.

At the start of 3 I thought it was amazing

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer Time...

After a very long Swedish winter and a snail paced spring, Summer finally has arrived.
Sweden is a funny place, totally schizophrenic really.  During the winter everyone is dressed in thick dark clothes and barely makes eye contact, let alone conversation.  It's dark longer than it's light and generally its pretty depressing.  But in the spring and the summer it's like another place completely.   Light for 20 hours a day, sunny and hot (above 20 degrees most days).  People are friendly, chatty, spontaneous and helpful. The city is amazing with all the water around and the fact that you don't need too many clothes and can just be around outside having picnics and going for walks makes a huge difference to my general well being anyway.

So here's a little journey through our spring and summer so far....

Looking forward to many more days like these until at least October.  
I hope everyone is having a great summer so far.....x
PS - this post is dedicated to my friend Leisha who actually reads this blog and told me to get posting :)