Thursday, December 6, 2012

Advents calendar...

Here's a topic that's got my attention this year, for different reasons.  The first reason is that at work we developed an advents calendar as the theme for our Christmas campaign, and it's ALL I have been doing for the last 2 months.  Finally it's ready and hopefully customers are enjoying it and getting some great Christmas gift ideas.

Listen to the Christmas song here too!

The second reason is that I didn't get to choose Tilly's calendar this year, because it was chosen for me (story needs a blog of it's own, so don't ask!).  But during my conversations with different people about advents calendars, I got some great ideas.  Like my colleague who's calendar was a story which was read over 24 nights.  How wonderful!  No expensive, unnecessary presents, or candy or just stuff!  But something that stimulated her imagination and meant cosy time for her and her mom.  Or how about filling each day with an experience like baking gingerbread on day 4, or visiting an animal shelter on day 10 or donating a toy to orphanage on day 15.  You know something meaningful and important and that teaches kids that Christmas is not only a time for getting but also giving and sharing.

I'm slightly obsessed with the whole idea and can't wait for next year when I have control again!

Here are some great crafty ideas for calendars - there are so many fun things to do.  

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