So here in Sweden at the moment there is this big debate going on about what I would say is the biggest crock of shit in the world. It revolves around calling children (mostly) 'Hen' instead of Hon or Han - which for my English friends is Her or Him, and therefore Hen would be 'It' I suppose. ?????
This is so that we do not differentiate between the genders and ensure men and women are not pigeon holed. Well I'm not sure about you, but I can find more than one biological fact that makes us different and ones we cannot get away from no matter how PC we are. Physically we have parts that are specific to each gender, which also makes it only possible for women to reproduce. And as I found in this article, there are 78 other differences.
But what annoys me about this new obsession with this, is that it has double standards. Are we to call our children unisex names now or should we call boys Judy and girls Richard just to make sure we are not specifying gender? If it isn't supposed to matter what gender you are, then why do woman still get paid less than men, and why can't little boys go around wearing sparkly shoes?
I just think everyone has taken a serious overdose of trying to be politically correct about everything, and I don't know if its just here in Sweden - so please fill me in on what else is going on out there.
Tintin in the Congo was almost taken out of the library because it portrayed black people in a derogatory way. It was written in the 30's, so by taking it away would be like deleting history.
This kids book above has been in the news too lately because its considered racist because of the black character. She is too black basically and we are not meant to make a point of this. Again its like deleting people out of the world and is just inverted racism.
I say just let people get on with it and stop trying to restrict everything we say about each other, because eventually we won't be able to recognise any differences between us. Be kind to each other and then it wont make a difference what colour or gender you are anyway!
Peace out!
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