For instance...
- You can pay with credit card in a taxi - amazing!
- Once you have ordered a cab from a particular company, they store your number and when you call again from the same location, you automatically get collected there with a click of a button!
- You can pay to use the public toilets by SMS - so even if you don't have any coins you can fix it
- You can buy things from a vending machine with a SMS.
- You can pay for local transport by SMS.
- And even better a monthly travel card entitles you to unlimited use of every form of city transport.
- There is a recycle room in every apartment block.
- All apartments have there only storage room in the basement measuring about 5m2.
- When you use a disposable BBQ in the parks, beaches etc. There are special BBQ bins to get rid of them.
I'm sure I've forgotten loads more amazing conveniences, and I'd love to hear if you can find more or know other countries which have fun things like this....
Go Sweden!
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