Thursday, January 29, 2015

Exploding head...

This is how I felt today.  Anyone else get migraines?  I'm used to them but it doesn't change how painful they are.
It's something else being a 40 year old woman with a quivering lip on the full subway.  Sitting there in the fluorescent light with with strangers talking loudly, hoping you won't either cry out loud or barf on anyone for 30 minutes! I literally ran off the train and into my house.  Ripped off my clothes and jumped under the covers so I could just make it go away.

Now about 8 hours later I feel relatively normal thanks to a kind child and husband who have let me take it easy.

Now to wait for the next one.
Good night.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year…

Happy 2015 from the snail blogger.  Although it's a bit much to really call this a blog, since I only post every quarter!  But nonetheless it's the start to another year and I have a feeling that this one is gonna be big.  Odd numbers work best for me, so here's hoping the pattern is right.  Let you know.
Here's what we have been up to the last 3 months…