Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Swedish men...

There are lots of interesting things about Swedish men.  They are metro-sexual for one.  Super stylish, borderline vain and have very few manners.  Now this isn't their own fault, its mainly in my opinion with all the equality, that Sweden is so famous for.  Women equality is way ahead compared to other countries and although that is a good thing, it has got in the way of what roles each gender takes on.  Some women are offended when a man opens a door because they can do it themselves.  Well of course they can and the man knows that too, but isn't it pleasant with a little common courtesy?  There's a lot of obsession with gender in Sweden and truthfully it drives me nuts.

But one of the good things that has come out of all of this is that men are expected to, encouraged and enjoy being dads.  Parental leave is big - a whopping 480 days between both parents, 60 of which the man must take.  This is brilliant in so many ways and the proof is in the pudding in my own life.  Tilly has an amazing connection with her dad and he has had to experience all the shit mothers deal with while looking after small children.  And it ain't easy to juggle the household, cooking, entertaining and stimulating a small person on your own.

So minus the lack of manners, I am truly grateful for the bond our daughter has with both of us - equally.

Here is a Swedish photographer Johan Bävman who has documented this bond so well in these surprising and typically Swedish photos.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Things I long for...

Today is one of those days you just want to have your mommy tuck you in bed and shower you with kisses.  Even if you are over 40!  So I made sure I did that to my girl the moment I picked her up at dagis.
I thought posting pictures of the things or times I long for could help me feel less blaah.
In no specific order:



A time gone by.

Honeymoon in Venice.

All these people and on this day.

The Mother City.

My greatest influence.

This miracle.


What this means.

Sleep well xx

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Exploding head...

This is how I felt today.  Anyone else get migraines?  I'm used to them but it doesn't change how painful they are.
It's something else being a 40 year old woman with a quivering lip on the full subway.  Sitting there in the fluorescent light with with strangers talking loudly, hoping you won't either cry out loud or barf on anyone for 30 minutes! I literally ran off the train and into my house.  Ripped off my clothes and jumped under the covers so I could just make it go away.

Now about 8 hours later I feel relatively normal thanks to a kind child and husband who have let me take it easy.

Now to wait for the next one.
Good night.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year…

Happy 2015 from the snail blogger.  Although it's a bit much to really call this a blog, since I only post every quarter!  But nonetheless it's the start to another year and I have a feeling that this one is gonna be big.  Odd numbers work best for me, so here's hoping the pattern is right.  Let you know.
Here's what we have been up to the last 3 months…