Friday, February 8, 2013


Jaysus it's been ages since I have updated this and to those of you who actually read it - sorry about the silence!  It has been a mad busy few weeks at work and it isn't looking like slowing down until March at least.  So this might be the last one for a few more weeks!
So what's been happening...?
Well it's mainly been snowing here, which is lovely around Christmas when it's all about the warm and fuzzy.  But it just gets too much when the temperature drops to minus 18 and you have to pull your child on a sled each day to dagis without having a heart attack along the way!

You spend 20 minutes trying to make yourself pretty each morning, which is swiftly followed by another 20 struggling to put on 6 layers of winter clothes on a 3 year old.  By this time you have said your special calming mantra at least 10 times and tried to smile and not have a tantrum like the one your 3 year old is having.
Then you go down 5 flights of stairs to discover you forgot your phone, climb up the 5 flights again and then start the long pull through the 20 centimetre snow for almost a  kilometre!  By this time the sweat is pouring off under the Eskimo jacket you are wearing and all the pretty make up is gone.
 You eventually get inside and have to take off your 3 year olds 6 layers of clothes surrounded by a bunch of other parents who are all throwing each other false smiles, sweetly singing things like 'come on then Elsie, lets get your shoes off' while they know their subway is almost just about to come.
Big kisses and love are exchanged thankfully and you leave your 3 year old happily playing, while you wonder if taking your eskimo jacket off and walking in your bra to the subway would be considered weird, cos you about to drop dead from the heat!
By the time you get on the crowded subway and have to sit next to someone talking on their mobile at full volume, while they cough into your face, you can't stop thinking about the fact that it is only the beginning of February and there is still 3 more months of this and holy crap why do you have your 3 year old's gloves in your pocket? and now you have to get off at the next station and get back to dagis as quick as possible so that you make it into the office for that 9am meeting with the CEO about why they can't live without you at the company! And what it's only Monday..................................?€%&*

Now for some wine to unwind until Monday when it all starts again.
Happy weekend lovelies x