We have just got back from one of the best trips home to Dublin in a long while. Many reasons for this but mostly I'd say it was the great weather. For once it was dry and sunny the whole time we were there. It's amazing what a difference it makes, especially when you have a little lady to entertain. Normally I find we are indoors too much and she ends up watching TV and getting bored.
This time we did lots of fun things outdoors, while spending time with family and friends.
First it was celebrating my sister Amy's graduation which was great and I am super proud of her. Then it was dinner at the
Unicorn restaurant which was not as good as I remember, but nevertheless we had a great time.
Then it was a day at the Zoo with granny and all the fun animals. Tilly was mostly searching for monkeys and 'dragons' otherwise known as crocodiles. We had a great time, bar the issue with the gift shop closing for an indefinite period. It's amazing that you pay 15euro and kids are not free after 3 years, and then have to stand outside the shop until the rude bag comes back from her 'break' and doesn't apologise. Even to the people who were leaving the zoo and wanted to buy a stuffed toy which they didn't have at the gift shop at the exit, and then were made to walk all the way to the other end of the zoo to buy it, only to find the shop closed! Service me arse! But Tilly didn't care as long as she got her ice-cream and got to wear her ballerina dress!

Then it was a trip to the suburbs to visit her new best friend Z and the little man S at my wonderful friends L&D's pad. What fun they had. Lots of playing, eating, going to the beach, bathing together and watching Peppa Pig before bedtime. We also met up with another great friend S and went to the pier where Tilly got her other new favourite friend Minnie. Catching up with everyone while still having fun with the children was not stressful at all and I was really impressed at what a great sport Tilly always is.

Tilly got quick visits from her godmothers Leone and Hilary too and hopefully now has a better picture of them when she is looking through the albums. She also was a gem when we went out for dinner (which deserves it's own post, so stay tuned) one night and stayed with a babysitter she had not met yet. She ended up waking up and having a big chat with her before going back to bed, and when I asked her about it the next day, she was really positive and said she liked the lady very much! Score!
The trip ended perfectly with cosy times back at granny before we headed back to Stockholm, where one pappa was VERY excited to have his little lady back!
Thank you L&D for making us feel so at home and for showing us a great time. You are brilliant!
Thank you family for nice quality time with Tilly, she really enjoyed it and is still talking about it!